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In the Library

  • Dynamic Yoga

    This library of dynamic Vinyasa classes will feature everything from hour-long classes to bite-size ten-minutes flows that are suitable for all. Some will be inspired by poetry, others anatomy, others focused on working towards a peak pose. And the library will encompass classes that hone-in on a range of intentions, from energising and uplifting sessions to those designed to ground or unwind. 

  • Meditation

    My archive of guided mindfulness meditations includes everything from three-minute ‘resets’ to help you find focus in the middle of a busy day to deeper half-an-hour meditations perfect for quieting your mind as you prepare for bed. Some focus on simple Pranayama breathing exercises, others are longer Yoga Nidra body scans, and some combine elements of both. 

  • Restorative

    The restorative yoga library contains a growing archive of guided classes, some ten minutes long, others an hour. Created to calm anxious minds and whisper to overstimulated nervous systems, some are slow flows working towards jaw release and headache alleviation, others are passive practices, in which you’ll be guided to create yourself cosy supported environments to genuinely let go of tension. 

  • Little and Often

    Inspired by the Small Change, Big Difference sections in my first book, this growing archive is made up of short videos designed to help you deal with specific parts of contemporary life: a laptop-ravaged posture, intrusive thoughts, perma-exhaustion. Most of them are just a few minutes long but all are brilliant ways of weaving yogic principles into your daily life.

  • Chair Yoga

    Chair yoga is an accessible practice that includes dynamic yoga sequences, breath-led flow, meditation and pranayama - all taught for you to enjoy from a chair.

    Each sequence has a different focus to give you a variety of classes to choose from. Transitions are slow and mindful to remind you of what your body can do.

Subscription benefits

Video & Audio library

Access to an always growing library of hour-long audio and video classes, covering all aspects of Naomi’s approach to yoga.

Recorded book sequences

Access to an always growing library of recorded versions of the sequences in Naomi’s two books including: Yoga for Creativity and Yoga for better sleep.

Live classes

Subscribers will receive access to Naomi’s weekly livestream classes, usually four per week, taught at 8pm GMT on Sundays, 12 noon on Tuesdays and 7.30am GMT on Thursdays and Fridays.

Life hacks & short flows

Access to an always growing library of shorter material from two-minute life hacks to half-hour yoga flows.

The Zoom Room

Recognising that not all subscribers can make the live classes, Naomi records selected classes and workshops so that you can do these in your own schedule.